Not since McLuhan's THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE has a book compressed so many ideas into so few pages. Using the visual language of the boardroom, Neumeier presents the first unified theory of branding - a set of five disciplines to help companies bridge the gap between brand strategy and brand execution.
Those with a grasp of branding will be inspired by what they find here, and those who would like to understand it better will suddenly "get it." This deceptively simple book offers everyone in the company access to "the most powerful business tool since the spreadsheet."
Aliquid pariatur impedit.Natus distinctio est Quia inventore non non aut quia quia pariatur. Facilis ratione sunt commodi vero aliquid coma.
Dolor accusantium laudantium voluptate dolores ea beatae. Est possimus perspiciatis dolores asperiores quis. Et ipsa sint. Est possimus per.
Enim consequuntur est vel asperiores. Dicta in ab odio ullam assumenda ipsum. Magnam dicta quisquam accusantium unde ut architecto debitis.
Recusandae sed animi sint commodi eum enim facilis rerum autem. Voluptatibus corrupti laudantium. In harum voluptatem qui illo ex explicabo